In today’s digital world, our technological devices and various digital platforms provide much-needed convenience. However, taking regular breaks from all things digital is healthy and beneficial.
Using your vacation to relax, unplug and spend some time in nature as you get to know your destination better can leave you feeling rejuvenated. Staying away from devices and social media sites is a great way to fully immerse yourself in your vacation experience without distractions.
A digital detox vacation will grant you a clear mind, while also helping you to connect better to yourself and others. Here are a few ways to implement a digital detox when on vacation:
Stay away from social media
When travelling, it is tempting to update your online community and share all your experiences in real time. However, it is beneficial to stay away from social media and fully immerse yourself in the moment. You can always update your online community upon your return.
Switch off your cellphone
Although you may make the conscious decision to stay away from social media, you may still receive calls, messages and notifications which will disrupt your digital detox. If you intend to fully unplug, switching off your cellphone is also ideal. You can switch it back on to communicate with close family and friends.
Leave your laptop at home
Remote work has become increasingly popular, and working from anywhere becomes more and more tempting each day. This has also blurred the lines between work, rest and play.
However, when you take time off to go on a digital detox vacation, it is best to leave your laptop at home. This will give your brain the necessary rest it needs, and you will return to work feeling refreshed and more productive.
Schedule a time to check in on loved ones
These days, we are able to connect to our loved ones anytime and anywhere through the click of only a few buttons. During your digital detox, your availability will be limited. Schedule a time which is convenient for you and your loved ones so that you are able to check in. This is also a time to share information about your safety and whereabouts, as well as other important details like any changes in your return dates.
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