Impala’s great escape in duping wild dogs and hippos

Posted on 3 August 2021 By David Henning

An impala managed to evade the intentions of one of nature’s most effective hunters, a pack of wild dogs, only to jump into a hippo-infested waterhole in Thornybush Game Reserve. The cunning impala managed to dupe not only the pack of wild dogs but also the territorial hippos before finding the safety of the waterhole’s banks.

Latest Sightings shared the video of the impala’s incredible feat. managing to escape the pack of 16 African wild dogs. The impala entered the waterhole at sunset for a drink and suddenly found itself surrounded by the pack.

The impala showed great agility in evading the first onslaught of wild dogs and in realising it was completely surrounded, it took a leap of faith into to waterhole. In aiming for the safety of the banks on the opposite side, where there was also a pod of hippos.

The impala managed to swerve its way around the hippos before sprinting back into the safety of the bush. Watch the full video below.

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Picture: screenshot from the video.

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