Leopard cubs and mother battle hyenas over Impala kill

Posted on 31 July 2024 By Tsoku Maela
A dramatic encounter was captured at MalaMala Game Reserve by Ranger Pieter van Wyk, who shared the moment with Latest Sightings. Three leopards, a mother and her cubs, were found in a tree, feeding on an impala kill. This rare sighting became even more thrilling when hyenas arrived, attracted by the scent of the kill. Unable to climb, the hyenas waited below, hoping the leopards would drop the carcass.

After a while, the hyenas retreated into the nearby bushes, waiting for an opportunity. Feeling more secure with the hyenas out of sight, one of the young leopards resumed eating. The Impala, already partially consumed and lighter, became difficult to keep in the tree. A misplaced bite by the cub caused the carcass to slip, but it was temporarily caught between two branches, hanging by its neck. The cub attempted to eat the impala from this precarious position, which led to the carcass falling to the ground.

The sound of the carcass hitting the ground drew the hyenas back, but the mother leopard acted swiftly. She snatched the impala and climbed back up the tree before the hyenas could reach her. She resumed eating, but the curiosity of the young leopard led to another mishap. The cub, playing with the dangling impala head, knocked the carcass down once more.

The mother leopard, less startled this time, quickly retrieved the carcass and returned to the tree. She placed the meal higher up in the branches, which was more secure. The hyenas, outmanoeuvred, left empty-handed as the leopard family settled back into their elevated dining spot.

Watch the encounter below:


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