Two giraffes and a surprise eland calf rescued from trench in Kenya

Posted on 23 November 2022 By Jordyn Johnson

Two giraffes and an orphaned eland calf were rescued by a dedicated team after being stuck in a deep trench in Kenya for several days.

rescue giraffe and eland

Picture: Screenshot

One of Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s pilots spotted two giraffes trapped in a perimeter trench for the NIB irrigation scheme on Galana on 19 November, (Galana is an irrigation farm in Kenya). The pilot immediately notified the trust, who sent out a ground team to rescue the giraffes.

Heavy rainfall interrupted their mission and they had to return the following morning. By then, the rain had made the roads too dangerous to drive on, so the team got out with their shovels and walked the 2.5 km to the trench, where they also found an eland calf.

They excavated the walls and created a ramp for the two to climb out from. The team coaxed the giraffe down the trench and towards the ramp. Two more giraffes were waiting for the pair, ‘cheering their friends on as they made their triumphant exit.’

The team then turned their attention to the youngster, an orphaned eland calf. They estimated that he must have been stuck in the trench for several days, as he was dehydrated and emaciated.

They lifted him out and took turns carrying him on their backs for the 2.5 km walk back to the car through thick mud in 40ºC weather.

Back at Galana’s Lali Field Base the eland was given a bottle for rehydration and flew back with the pilot to Kaluku Field Headquarters (part of Sheldrick Wildlife Trust). He is settling in well with their other rescues, and he has been named Billy.

Watch the heroic story below:

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