Four Blue whales spotted off the coast of Australia

Posted on 5 November 2021

In an undeniably rare event, not one, not two, but four Blue whales have been sighted along the western coast of Australia. These massive creatures, known to be the largest animal to ever exist on our planet, were seen a mere 200 meters away from the coastline.

Credit: Dylan deHaas/Instagram

The pod of Blue whales were discovered by a photographer and his wife after the couple caught a glimpse of the animals from their boat. The couple were floating off the coast of the Margaret River when they were startled by the sound of whales spouting. The inquisitive photographer decided to send his drones to capture aerial images of the whales that were approaching the coastline. The couple were staggered when they realized that they were in the company of four Blue whales.

Credit: Dylan deHaas/Instagram

While it is common for Blue whales and other whale species to be sighted on the coast of Australia, it is quite uncommon to see multiple Blue whales. The couple unknowingly witnessed an utterly unusual event because Blue whales rarely travel in groups. Blue whales are known to either travel alone or in pairs. In addition, Blue whales do not often approach the Australian coast so closely. These giants typically prefer to keep their distance as they brush past the coast during their annual migration.

Picture: Getaway Magazine

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