WATCH: This curious baby rhino will melt your heart

Posted on 18 March 2025

A jovial baby rhino with a curiosity for life turned an ordinary safari into a special and memorable encounter.

As submitted by Darren Sheer on Latest Sightings, a mom and her baby rhino were walking slowly on a gravel road.

Suddenly, the baby rhino got super excited and  started running up and down. It would run close to the safari vehicle and then run back to its mom.

Baby rhino (Picture: Unsplash/Bernd Dittrich)

It seemed as though it impatiently wanted to go ahead and inspect what was going on, but kept running back to its mother as through to ask her to walk a little faster.

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However, the mother wasn’t in a rush. She proceeded with stately steps and a composed demeanor.

The sight of a mother rhino with her baby is a rare one. Over and above the uniqueness of the sighting, what made it extra special was the baby’s unbridled enthusiasm. It was in stark contrast to the mother’s controlled gait.

At one point, the baby rhino even moved closer to inspect a mud puddle, unafraid of the safari vehicle. Baby rhinos are generally really incredibly playful, as engaging in play is essential for them.

Watch how it all unfolded, courtesy of Latest Sightings:

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