What to do when you find a sea creature out of water or in distress

Posted on 9 September 2024 By Louise Bell

While marine life moves swiftly and skilfully within the sea, it can be shocking to see these water-breathing animals on land. There are a variety of reasons why sea creature find their way to the beach; in most cases, they are injured or have been washed ashore.

Unsplash/Bryan Burgos

Need help with how to help these animals in what might be uncharted territory for them? Here are a few tips to ensure you help these swim-loving species safely.

Keep your distance & do not touch them

While you might be tempted to assess the damage of the distressed animal in question, it’s crucial to remember to keep a safe distance. Not only will this help not further stress the creature, but it’s also a responsible way to protect yourself.

Keep in mind these are wild animals and might act in a defensive manner when they are injured. Even if a whale or dolphin is beached, you should always wait for trained professionals to handle the situation efficiently.

Try and keep land animals away

As these distressed animals are vulnerable, nearby creatures might try to take advantage of the situation. Be sure to keep dogs away from this injured party to ensure the safety of both animals.

Call the proper authorities

The most vital step is to contact local authorities that can assist. The National Sea Rescue Institute has many contact details for various parts of South Africa.

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